Support Plan Council

Support Plan Council (OPR).

The support plan council (OPR) is a special participation council of a partnership and consists of a delegation of parents and staff from member schools. The OPR has the right of consent on the support plan. This plan contains the agreements for the next four years about basic support and extra support, among other things. In addition, the OPR can give advice on its own initiative or propose topics for discussion with the partnership. The director-director of the partnership conducts consultations with the OPR.

Composition and delegation

The OPR of our partnership consists of nine parents and nine staff members. In order to ensure a balanced distribution in Haaglanden, the delegation runs through delegation groups. Each delegation group may delegate one parent and one staff member. (Candidate) members of the OPR need not themselves be members of a Participation Council (MR) of a school within the delegation group. However, they must be nominated by their school’s MR. The composition of the OPR can be found here.


There are vacancies within some delegation groups. The OPR is looking for enthusiastic parents and teachers who would like to contribute constructively. Here you can read if there is a vacancy within your school’s delegation group and how to apply.

More information and contact

OPR regulations and (annual) reports can be found below. The OPR can be reached at