= 600 leerlingen
students, of which...
students in regular education
students in special primary education
students in special education
school boards
arrangements granted
referrals to special (primary) education (TLVs)
These were our guiding principles in 2023:
Pupils attend education in the regular elementary school as much as possible.
Children attend a school in their own neighborhood with peers from their neighborhood.
We support the school and the teaching staff to provide the most appropriate education for all students.
In doing so, we work with school social work, child care, youth services and other partners.
2023 in 3 major milestones:
At a meeting with school boards, aldermen and key collaborative partners, we agreed to work together to increase inclusion.
SPPOH moved to Johanna Westerdijkplein 1 in The Hague and began "living together" with SWVZHW, the partnership for VO.
SPPOH received a new governance structure, which makes the organization more decisive.
A sampling of what else happened in 2023
- The Support Plan Council (consisting of parents and employees) was able to appoint 2 new members and participated in discussions about important developments and decisions in Haaglanden.
- The Disputes Committee for Appropriate Education received 1 complaint against SPPOH.
- The Absenteeism and Homelessness Route Book has been updated. In addition, SPPOH has set up a Support Center Impending Homelessness at SBO Het Avontuur and we have started using the registration module Worrisome Absenteeism. This allows us to prevent school dropout even better.
- The Giftedness Project Group has applied for a new grant of over 1.7 million euros, which will allow us to develop more appropriate offerings in regular education for students with additional support needs in the area of giftedness.
- The Parent and Youth Support Center answered 231 questions from parents .
- SPPOH launched a new website.
- The first supra-governmental learning network has begun.