
SPPOH offers training in two different ways: general offerings and customized offerings for schools and teams.

The regular training offerings were put together based on the needs from the field, the analysis of the SOPs and the direction we are taking with the annual plan.

Coming up next year:

1. Training for effective use of the OPP as a school-level tool, to be requested at

2. Participate in Pro Ago’s “Working Together Under Stress” course. This course helps schools work with parents, children and chain partners when tensions mount, such as because a child has special educational needs. The training consists of six consecutive meetings and two intervisions, with participants attending all dates for the good result. Click here for information on the dates. You can sign up at

3. To professionalize in the area of giftedness. As part of the ongoing giftedness project, you will find additional meetings and professionalization opportunities at the school level on this topic in the annual schedule.

As a school, are you interested in taking Sardes training with the whole team to develop as a school in the area of inclusion? If there is sufficient interest, this offer will be incorporated into our training offerings by January. You can already sign up at