
Sometimes a situation arises where communication gets stuck between parents and the school about a student’s education and support. SPPOH offers the possibility of using an independent mediator to bring these parties back together. The mediator tries to smooth communication between the parents and the school so that they can move forward with each other again.

Impending conflict
Mediation can be used in the event of an impending conflict between parents and school. Communication and relationships have become disrupted. This intervention is available to all schools and parents where communication is very difficult, including situations where the student is sitting at home. Involved parties do not want to resolve the situation legally, but rather engage in conversation with each other.

Conditions for mediation

  1. The partnership is involved in the case. At least one MDO took place in which the consultant from the partnership met with school and parents.
  2. No legal action has been taken (yet), such as filing a complaint, or legal action has been discontinued.
  3. Parents and school are willing to reconnect under the guidance of an independent mediator.
  4. The request for help to the mediator is clear.

A mediation program is paid for by SPPOH. Thus, there is no cost to the school or parents.

How does it work?

  1. Advisor, school and parents complete application form.
  2. After a check by the consultant, the relevant manager makes a decision on the application. A mediator will be assigned to the case.
  3. Conversations are taking place. Guideline here is a maximum of three interviews. The mediator focuses primarily on restoring communication and relationship between parents and school – rather than on a substantive solution for the student.
  4. When parents and school can reconnect on a substantive solution, the mediator completes the work. The school and parents are asked about their experiences.

Other options
Education counselors are independent experts who work with parents and other stakeholders to find substantive solutions for students who are stuck in school or stuck at home.

For more information, visit

Through the Support Center Home Sitters of SPPOH, a case specifically involving a student sitting at home can be submitted to the “Advice and Breakthrough Table. Experts can then help find an appropriate offer for a student.

See also: Roadmap Absenteeism and Homelessness.

If those involved are considering filing a complaint or objection, they may contact the Stichting Onderwijsgeschillen. If the complaint concerns the partnership or one of the other partners, the complaints procedure of the relevant institution will be followed.