

All government-funded elementary school (Dutch and international) are compulsorily affiliated with the partnership. The Haaglanden region involves 27 school boards and some two hundred schools. Some 60,000 students aged 4 to 12 are educated here. The partnership is divided into ten working areas in the districts of The Hague, Leidschendam-Voorburg and Rijswijk. Cooperation takes place as much as possible in one’s own district: here you will work together with other schools, youth aid and other organizations to provide appropriate and inclusive education for all students. SBO and SO schools will increasingly share their knowledge with regular schools to make this possible.

In addition to elementary and international education schools, the partnership also includes special elementary and special education schools in Haaglanden. A number of regional special education schools volunteered to join. The school map shows all schools by district.

The organization of SPPOH consists of an office organization headed by the director-director, who is accountable to a Supervisory Board for the administration and policies pursued. To strengthen cooperation among all school boards, all boards together form a Board of Affiliates. Parents and staff have a say through the Support Plan Council.

Go to the school map for a list of all schools.