Deployment arrangement

A number of guidelines have been formulated for the preparation of arrangements:

  1. Arrangements have durations ranging from a few weeks to a year. In some situations, it makes sense to propose an arrangement for longer than one year, for example, if an arrangement is brought up in May for a grade 7 student. In those situations, a maximum of one and a half years applies.
  2. The educational needs and needed support of the student exceed basic support, including interventions.
  3. Arrangements are evaluated by the school at mid-term and upon completion, in proper consultation with parents. Schools have their own agreements on this within the cycle of action-oriented work. At the end of an arrangement, an evaluation is completed in Education Transparency.
  4. Funding is governed by the support needs of the student/teacher. Deployment of an arrangement is always linked to one or more individual students and always also has deployment focused on the teacher and/or the context of the child.