Deployment of expertise SBO and SO

Since 2020, it has been possible for elementary schools to bring in expertise from special elementary or special education aimed at strengthening or deepening parts of basic support. Examples include improving a continuous line in the area of behavior or “learning to learn,” being able to deploy own learning lines, strengthening teacher skills, multiple grade level groups in the classroom, identifying student support needs, and bringing together all initiatives around NT2 education in the school. SPPOH will reimburse the cost of such a course.

Currently, De Loodsboot (The Strandwacht), Aventureijn (The Adventure) and De Bonte Vlinder are connected. Next school year we will investigate with the schools in what (other) ways we can further deploy expertise sharing from SBO and SO.

Are you interested? If so, you can contact one of the services directly or inquire with the appropriate education consultant. These are the services’ mail addresses:

It is good to know that participation is subject to a number of conditions. Outpatient services will also ask about this at introductions. These conditions are:

  • The management, care team (including internal coaches) and school team are involved and on board, or in other words: there is support;
  • The direction lies with the school;
  • The support request must fit within the current way of working in the school, it is about improving the existing school context;
  • The question focuses on school development, namely deepening basic support at the school level;
  • There is a temporary need for support, after which the school can move on by itself. The goal is to give the school the tools to do it themselves.