Linsey Elgershuizen

Advisor fitting education


What is your ambition for appropriate education?
“To work from my role as a consultant appeal primarily to the capabilities of the child, the school and parents. To work together with them get the educational needs in focus and from from that to find the perspective that has not yet previously seen before.”
What else can people know you from?
“Before going into teaching, I worked in youth services – including at De Jutters (now Youz) and Ipse de Bruggen. After that I worked in some schools in The Hague and Rijswijk. And currently I am in addition to advisor on appropriate education also involved in The Discoverers.”
Name a fun fact about yourself?
“One of my hobbies is to for vfriends and family at our home tasty to cooking. I enjoy creating new recipes or combinations to try out. But I don’t have much talent for it, unfortunately. So usually I get in response to the invitation: We are there, as long as you don’t cook’ .. Oh well, after all, it’s all about fun!”