Newcomer support center

Schools with newcomer classes regularly run into questions regarding students’ support needs. These are often questions they have not encountered before (to this extent). This requires new answers and solutions, in order to provide students with the best possible appropriate education. The Newcomers Support Center is there now to support schools and share expertise around newcomers with support needs.

Newcomer schools can call on the Newcomer Support Center when:

  • At intake or over time, it becomes apparent that there is a support need in a newcomer student, which causes the school to feel actionable.
  • At intake or over time, a support need is suspected in a newcomer student and should be investigated.
  • There are doubts whether the regular newcomer group is the appropriate educational place for the newcomer student.

What do we offer?

We are ready to advise and support in providing appropriate education for newcomer students with support needs other than just language support. We use our expertise and network to support schools in the challenges they face.

  • We offer the opportunity to discuss case histories over the phone. When the request for help exceeds a telephone consultation, we consider whether a consultation at school is a possibility.
  • We provide assistance in identifying a student’s educational and support needs and providing treatment recommendations.
  • We think along when there are doubts whether the current school is the best fit for the student. If desired, we join an MDO. If necessary, we point the way in finding an appropriate place for the student.

How can you reach us?

Complete the contact form below and we will contact you as soon as possible. You can also call: 06 143 98234 (Miriam Busse, coordinator Steunpunt Nieuwkomers).

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