Conditions for use of AB services.
Conditions for use of AB services.
- The management, care team (including internal supervisors) and school team are involved and on board, or in other words: there is support;
- The appropriate education advisor is aware and shares the support needs;
- The direction lies with the school;
- The support request must fit within the current way of working in the school, it is about optimizing the existing school context;
- The question focuses on school development, namely strengthening, deepening and broadening basic support at the school level;
- There is a temporary need for support, after which the school can move on by itself. The goal is to give the school the tools to do it themselves.
- The school board applies for support through the central application form on the SPPOH website; <link>
- SPPOH puts the request through to one of the outpatient services. The premise here is “as close to home from school as possible,” taking the support question into account;
- The itinerant services assist in formulating the final request for help and deploy appropriate support (from their own AB service alone or together with another AB service that can provide the requested support);
- The school board is always aware of the use of AB services and the support request. The principal of the elementary school informs the school board.
Other important points:
- Appropriate questions: questions focused on a through-line in the school (didactics or behavior), focused on team coaching, focused on the organization within the school (e.g. support or care structure for basic support);
- Contra-indications: reactive or curative work, questions focused on the (individual) student, the lack of support within the school, a school where there is an unstable situation (think of interim in the MT or lack of management or IB’er) or questions about a didactic development (think of implementation of a method).